Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Who Then Sees, in These Outrageous Speeches and Changes Imposed on the People of God, the Will of God, the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the Love of the Next?
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on November 28, 2024

Message dictated in two parts, on November 9, 2024 at 9am and on November 28, 2024 at 6pm
Word of Jesus Christ :
"I bless you My sweet Mine, daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
These days of the Miraculous Medal prepare you for the severe revelations, scarcely hidden, and tribulations that will more clearly mark the divisions among you, and bring about My punishments that cannot wait. I must crack down on My own to prevent serious damage to the hearts of My more fragile ones, or to free some of My servants from the constraints that prevent them from acting according to their mission.
The church, ¨central self-mandated¨ will show its true face. It will freely display its pride and arrogance, its outrages against Christ and the faithful, since it sees itself strong in what it sees in the almost total inaction of Mine to save the Church of Christ, My Church, and the acceptance of the proposed changes and almost all of them installed by the well-executed strategy and in the outrageous speeches adopted.
Who of you all can say that this new language where the meaning of sacred prayers is cleverly changed, where Mary All Pure is insulted and the exclusive role of the Virgin Mary to Her Son is denied, who can say that this language is sensible and worthy of being followed?
Who then sees, in these outrageous speeches and changes imposed on the People of God, the Will of God, the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the Love of the Next?
And, finally, who of you can dictate to Me the Supreme and Divine Law that obliges God's children to obey all these changes that have come from godless man and that oppose God Himself, that insult Him by insulting all His creation and His divine works? Divine works that have been maintained, in the tradition and transmission of the Faith, in the respect and Love of the faithful who have also had to overcome their spiritual struggle to remain faithful Christians, despite, for some, martyrdom?
Holy Mary Immaculate, My Mother and Co-Redemptrix, in her humility and purity, will continue to spread graces and miracles sustaining humanity on the path to Salvation. The Miraculous Medals will still travel the world to reach the children of God whom My Mother protects with her Immaculate Heart linked to My Sacred Heart. No fallen one can stand in the way of Her Divine Mission associated with My Cross. Through My Cross I have given you Redemption, My Mother, Mother of Salvation, in Her Fiat has agreed to adopt all humanity, until the End of Time, to support and intervene so that all may have access to Redemption.
In these crucial hours you are living and in the face of all the lies and aggressions that assail you, withdraw your heart (be attentive to what you are) and keep your reason to face the Truth that dwells within you. God is Life, without Him you cannot be. God is Almighty and His Love is infinite for each of you whom He created for eternal happiness. Do not let evil steal your Good, your Life.
Even if you call yourselves atheists, let yourself be surprised in an unspeakable peace, Love will unveil Faith in the trust that sets you free. Your Christmas will be different this year for all of you, on the cusp of a new world.
The Child on the straw, in His stripping and from His Incarnation brings you at last what is not found on earth; the immortal, the supernatural, are found in your spiritual life. Yes My sweet children, you have a body, a soul and a spirit in your being that only asks to return to God. Respect your unique being and keep this precious link with your Creator.
Now that you have known the action of humanity since Creation and recognize, in these End Times, the amplified ability and strength of wickedness, yet accepted in this world dedicated to Satan, his works and his pomp, you have to make ONE choice regarding your eternity.
Reread My Words, My insistent calls filled with Love that solicit you to remain children of God and happy eternally. This is the only destination intended for you at Creation, men of good will.
The prophecies, since time immemorial, and now, the Signs of the Times, so evident in all spheres of your life that impose themselves and restrict, to the point of death of body and soul, your quality of life which then becomes unbearable for you, are there unmistakably, confirming the inescapable Truth that you want to avoid and that leads you to follow the lie.
What is this fear to avoid? That of finally entering Paradise or that of having to make the effort of a step of renunciation of the material, ephemeral world? Why follow a herd to the slaughterhouse when there's a path of Light before you, for you? Affirming your will, choosing Christ as your Savior, is not disobedience to the Good that belongs to you. Nothing is above that Good: God is your Only Good.
Beware of all the contortions, the painful and shameful convolutions of the evil one and his henchmen offering you temptations and seductions. They lead you into passivity, perversity into coarse laughter, scandal, criticism and accusations from a world intoxicated and saturated with all falsehoods, which nevertheless flatter man's pride and make him believe that, from the superiority of his intelligence and science, he has surpassed God Omniscient, Omnipotent and Infinite Love.
My children so mistreated and dominated, by all that governs you on this earth, see that Divine Mercy is still and always above all and welcomes you from your sincere "YES, Lord". Follow the glow that arises within you, it opens for you the Great Day without End.
I have spoken to you, I have called you,
Jesus Christ."
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"
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